Business Storytelling: Your Communications Superpower

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Everyone loves a good story. But at work, we struggle to apply storytelling to our everyday business communications. Without the skills and confidence, we resort to cobbling together ideas and data dumping, leaving our audience confused, frustrated, and (let’s face it) forced into another meeting. And worst of all? You’ve just missed an opportunity to influence decisions, communicate value, and drive business forward.

There’s a better way.

Here at The Presentation Company (TPC), we believe storytelling is more than just words. It’s a choreographed dance between your story, visuals, and data. Our storytelling framework unites teams with a common language to communicate their strategy, ideas, and data with clarity. We also ground everyone in a new mindset: Story first, visuals second.

In this webinar, Janine Kurnoff, Author of Everyday Business Storytelling and Co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer at TPC, will explore the key ingredients you need to master the art of business storytelling: a story strategy, a visual strategy, and a data strategy. Get introduced to a simple, repeatable and practical storytelling framework that will help you and your teams elevate conversations, influence decisions, and ensure the audience knows exactly what you want them to know and do.

During this session, learn how to:

  • Use a storytelling framework to organize ideas and data into audience-centric business narratives
  • Flex your story to adapt to common business scenarios and diverse audiences, including senior executives
  • Choose clear, impactful visuals with purpose and intention to help advance your story and inspire action
  • Gets tips for turning facts and figures into easy-to-scan data visualizations

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Business Storytelling: Your Communications Superpower - Webinar